
Saturday, August 4, 2007

Success Habit 1 : HOW?

Success Habit will be a thing i'll try to include in my blog, it basically shares attributes common to successful people around the world and today's habit is HOW? (yes with the "?" together ^^)

One key difference between successful people and those not-as-successful is their mentality towards issues they face in life.

A successful person asks himself "How can i overcome this problem"


A not-so-successful person tells himself " I can't overcome this problem"

A typical example would be

2 students from the same class had a whole lot of homework to do within what seemed like a ridiculously short period of time.

The successful student's mentality is "How can i finish my homework in X time? "

The not-so-sucessful student's is "This teacher is crazy, its impossible to finish so much homework in X time!"

In general , this quote sums it all up :

Some people see things happen
Some people ask why things happen
Some people find out why things happen
Some people make things happen

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